Monday, February 21, 2011

You, Me And Gin.

You...Me...Our place...
You and your smiling eyes,
That twinkled even when you meant to be serious.
You that had become the dawn of my days
You...that would only rest after you sealed off my nights;
With the warmest of holds
And kisses that wrecked havoc and would linger long after your final seal.

Me...the one you could not get, but the one you had to get
Me and my stoicism and insecurities
Me with my laughing eyes and bleeding heart
Me and my weaknesses, and strengths and a weakness for you
Swearing you'd never have me,
Then, praying you'd never leave me.

Me, our world, our place
Our hushed giggles, our racing hearts,scared to admit
That this was becoming an obsession, that we no longer held the reigns.
Oh, we laughed at the world, we held hands
I couldn't bury deep enough into your arms..
You couldn't get enough of the girl and her face or her small fingers...
Me and You. The world saw us trip...fall over the boundaries we had set
We laughed at them, but they knew better.What we fought to hide,
What we would not admit to ourselves, they saw clearly;
When I swept in and you could not take your eyes away...
When you walked in and the warmth lit up my face.

You, Me...Gin.
I was your addiction, you were my drug,
Gin was our solvent.
Windy nights..warm holds..
Passion...and tenderness
Warmth, laughter and fear...fear of the future
A future that meant we would be no more.
We tempted fate and broke hearts...
You were never mine...
Was I ever yours? 

You, Me, And .
We are buried with the past.
Except the days are filled with quiet reminders of you
And the nights are torturous reminders of what we lost.
I Miss us; You, Me and Gin.
I Miss You. 


  1. nice...i hope this is not reality for you

  2. Thank u. Sort of reality. Fading away, though.
