Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Facts Of Life; Part One.

I have been around for a few years. On this planet, I mean. And as a I get older but not necessarily wiser, I have come to a few conclusions. Life is not a written script, we have more power than we can ever imagine. Over our dreams, the decisions we make, the dreams we follow, or let go of, the friends we keep close or lose through sheer laziness, the food we eat, aka Domino's beef burgers& coke for lunch VS a healthy salad..yuck,yuck..
Yes, some things we can maneuver. But then other things, which are some of the most defining, well...we find ourselves at the center of a drama, with no recollection of even agreeing to star in the damn thing, in the first place.
Its been a long& intense 20something years. Scenes change, the faces keep changing, but some things well..stay the same. Wrapped different for differing scenarios, but yes, the same;

Love Can Break Your Heart.
And it doesn't have to be that boy that made your heart skip or the girl that somehow got through your tough manly layers. Love is...wider than the romantic, and so is heartbreak. It is your first best friend dying of cancer before you're done with primary school. It is your father, the man who also happens to have been your first love, falling off so high a pedestal and taking your young heart with him.
It is also watching a woman you love, adore and respect so much, suffer for a love that is clearly domed to fail. It is watching your young face succumb to shadows, and feel the iron wring its way around your heart. When you're a child, Love can break you in ways psychologists have failed to clearly define..
And when you're growing up, it it is the ignorance that your first love shall last forever that I believe re-opens old wounds...and loving and believing in that man that continuously breaks your heart. You cry, close up your heart for a while, until the next son of God walks your way..and your heart skips a beat...
In brief, the heart is treacherous, it doesn't know what it wants. It does not obey you.Suffocate it.Be the boss of it. None of that pain is worth it. None.

Men are Easy. 
Yes, they are.Read on;
  • They like to eat.
  • The majority like beer.
  • They don't like shopping or Spanish soaps.
  • Very few can keep up with a paragraph. Give them pictures. Or stick men.
  • Short skirts and heels get them. ALL THE TIME.
  • Ditto fitting jeans. On a nicely curved booty.
  • I hear lingerie brings stars to their eyes.
  • When a man wants a girl in any sort of way, stand aside please. Earth and heaven shall be moved.
  • And yes, they hurt. It will never show. But if you look carefully, many of them have shadowed and dead eyes. Their light is out.
  • Their fears rally around money, being able providers, and being able to afford sleek cars. 
See, we complicate these species. Mostly 'coz we refuse to use our minds. But hey, when you're done burying your head in the sand, you won't believe how short the distance to the surface is.

God has a sense of humor.
How else dare someone call this messed up human species His highest creation? We blow people up in His name,and He still lets us live. We are petty enough to judge people based on tribal affiliation and religion, we have somehow managed to reduce the planet to a near-breaking point, and we invent games like cricket. Seriously.
But He doesn't wipe us out. He sends us the sun, and the rain, and children because we are so filled with our vanity that we have lost touch with what matters. And then we subject those children to Stone Cold Steve Austin& have the guts to turn to Him when they make cocaine their best friend.
He made roaches, house flies and cats. He is very funny. These creatures only affirm the fact that God isn't above amusement.I think they keep Him sane on the days when we decide to take 13year old girls& make them sex slaves.
If I were God, I'd have blown the whole lot of you to shreds by now. And then blown you up again.
Just to make sure.
Then I'd go back to my slimy& winged creatures.And smile. At least they get the concept of peaceful co-existence. But then I am not God.
Lucky fools.

Fate Is A Woman.
Women are complicated. Our mind wiring is interconnected, intertwining, and yet so loosely connected. We spend hours scouting stores for the perfect brooch to a dress, and we have no qualms about dragging the men who claim to love us along. Constant re-assurance. We really like that.
A woman'll whip up an amazing meal, love you even& especially when you don't deserve it. And just when you're about to crown her a saint, she'll bust the windows out of your car. And blame it on hormones.
We're deep like that.
But we're also the strongest creation ever made. We'll smell another perfume but still serve your dinner, and make breakfast for your kids, and put up with your whinny mother& sisters. A woman will spend the night sobbing but layer up  her eyes in mascara and smile at the world. We do battle best but love the hardest.
We will hug you, but find a way to stick that knife in really deep...especially if you're another woman and the man on your hand really appeals to us. These things are never personal. I swear.
Now,the connection with fate; The perfect man is taken...to the point where no home-wrecking tip will help you.., the person that loves you rightest cannot stir up even an inch of a heart-race, but the one who walks all over you mindlessly makes your heart soar. The heart is stupid. Fate is never clear- you make your bed& someone else lays in it, you get wealthy but fail to find love, you're the nice guys all the girls love...but not that way.
We are a cruel species.We make men and break kings and give birth to Hitler-like villains but also to the saints and Messiahs.
What you see is what you get. But most of the time, it isn't.
I love being a woman. Complexity comes naturally. Men need the Grand Prix for that.

Part Two....In the making.
